Unfortunately, we did not succeed in reaching our Kickstarter goal, but we WILL be moving forward. Here is a bit about our plan moving forward.
We will continue to update the demo for the next few months with bug and content patches. We have a large update coming out in the next few days that will be adding about an hour of single-player content, with an emphasis on making it easier for new players to adapt.
We have received wonderful feedback on 4 for the Money through Steam and PAX South 2018. We recently pitched the idea to the popular video game website Destructoid. They liked the game well enough that we were the winners of a competition for a free premium booth at EGLX (Canada's largest video game convention), where we'll be March 9th through the 11th! We'd love to see any of you that are in the area.
Of course, we'll have to continue to pursue funding. We've got several routes in mind to try. The rate at which 4 for the Money progresses will depend a lot on the amount of funding we are able to secure. At this moment, we plan on keeping the scope of the game the same with the end goal as described in the Kickstarter campaign. Updates on our progress will sent to let you know how it's going.
Your ongoing support will be greatly appreciated. Here are a few ways by which you can help us move forward.
-Write a review for us on Steam. Go to the Steam Store Page. You should see a box where you can write a review if you have downloaded the game and played it for any amount of time. The more we get, the more attention Steam gives us, and the more reviews we get. It's the Snowball Effect.
-Continue to share 4 for the Money on social media. Follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter. Feel free to post links, do Let's Play videos, etc. Contact me at kip@lostmarblegames.com with any questions.
-Let us know what ideas you have (game ideas, business suggestions, etc.). You are clearly invested in 4 for the Money, and we'd love to hear what you've got to say. You can do this via e-mail (kip@lostmarblegames.com) or by joining our new Discord server (https://discord.gg/atm65aC).
Thanks again for your support! We're looking forward to the future of 4 for the Money!
Kip Ritchie