En Route To Version 1.0 - Update 0.99vw

Swiss Knife

It's been 2042 years since the "Great Disappearing", on Earth, humans & animals are no more. The planet is now inhabited by Swiss Knives, little robots created by humans before the disaster. In reality, that is because humans created Swiss Knives that the Great Disappearing occured.

[Patch Note 0.99vw - [28/07/2021] Motor - Fixed Custom Shops (once again...) - Fixed an issue with HeavyWeight Hats actualisation. - Fixed the layer issue with Ability Displayer. Scene Upgrades and Fixes - Added new Models in Cherokee Villages. - Added a Post Processing effect when drinking an old swhiskey in West Brocelia. - Fixed a disabled Post Processing effect in Cinematics. - Optimised SK City