EN ROUTE TO VERSION 1.0 - Fix Update 0.99l

Swiss Knife

It's been 2042 years since the "Great Disappearing", on Earth, humans & animals are no more. The planet is now inhabited by Swiss Knives, little robots created by humans before the disaster. In reality, that is because humans created Swiss Knives that the Great Disappearing occured.

[Patch Note 0.99l - [22/06/2021] Motor - Adding the Auto Save feature Saves will now occurs everytime you reach a checkpoint , for example quitting the game after saving Mayor Tobor will make you appear at the Ascentree quest when restarting the game. Auto Save May handicap some player but is a crucial features for casuals. An auto-save on timer will be added soon, saving automatically the game every 20 mins. Actually, Relicas, Benedictions and Checkpoints are saving by their own. If you want to save your currencies, weapons or golden nuts you still have to save manually before quitting or changing a scene. - Fixed an issue that caused the wrong Quest UI to appear on the screen on every scene. - Deleted the Rain in the following scenes : Cherokee Canyon, Barkan Island, Antrum Cave, Umi Reef. - Upgraded the Revive detection trigger. Scene Updates & Fixes Barkan Island - Added a Checkpoint after destroying NK Camp. - Upgraded NK Camp Forcefield. - Fixed the Death Animation issue with Alsharu. - Fixed the NK Boat Hitboxes. - Fixed an invisible wall on the volcano. - Upgraded Volcano path, you can now climb the volcano with your 3 SK. TheGreatSea - Fixed an issue that caused Barkan Village to be underwater. Antrum Caves - Fixed an issue that caused Asterion to be stuck. - Fixed the TNT Camera Event angle. - Fixed an issue with Asterion Health Bar. - Fixed an Camera issue when triggering the 2nd TNT. - Added a Checkpoint after having destroyed the 2 Blocking Rocks. M00N - Fixed an animation issue during Moon Introduction Cinematic. - Replaced the AI in Moon Battle and Upgraded the Arena. - Fixed a GameController issue. Umi Reef - Optimised the Scene. - Fixed an issue with the new boat and the Sakana CapTen. Events - End of Western Easter.