EN ROUTE TO VERSION 1.0 - Fix Update 0.99k

Swiss Knife

It's been 2042 years since the "Great Disappearing", on Earth, humans & animals are no more. The planet is now inhabited by Swiss Knives, little robots created by humans before the disaster. In reality, that is because humans created Swiss Knives that the Great Disappearing occured.

Sorry about the fact that I didn't post patch notes this last weeks. I totally forgot because I was in a rush. I'll post again since now, don't worry! [Patch Note 0.99k - [19/06/2021] Motor - Fixed the Lock On Icon issue. - Fixed the Lock On Sound issue. - Fixed IK issues with Heavyweight and Agility. - Fixed Shield Handler issues. - Fixed GameController issues, this makes a double appear on the scene, creating a lot a issues. - Fixed an issue that caused Inventory to activate in Main Menu. - Fixed Gasshrooms. - Fixed Antrum Caves Controller Issue. - Fixed Agility Abilitie 1A not working. - Fixed Engineer Abilitie 1C not dealing damage. Scene Upgrades & Fixes Sahra Desert - Fixed a tornado issue. - Fixed Sandstorm damage issue. - Fixed the Sarcophage NavMesh in Sun Pyramid. Mayor Tower - Fixed the Quest UI. - Fixed an issue that caused the Generator to be unfinishable. - Fixed an issue that caused HeavyWeight and Engineer being able to slide under the Slide Action. - Fixed an issue that caused the Agility to get stuck in the Slide Action. Cherokee Canyon - Fixed the Switch in Route 04 - Fixed Quest UI in Cherokee Canyon and Cherokee Mines. - Fixed an issue that caused the Fuel up Water Generator to disappear. - Fixed the Water FX and SFX while extinguishing fires. - Added an animation while Sabotaging cannons. - Upgraded Cannons to fit better the factions. - Added more AI in villages. - Fixed multiple missing colliders in Cherokee Mines. - Fixed the Pushable issue in Cherokee Mines. - Fixed the Cherokee's Behaviour in Cherokee Mines. - Fixed the HUD issue in Long Long Room. - Fixed the Post Relica Quest UI in Cherokee Canyon. The Great Sea - Fixed the Spawn issue in The Great Sea. Barkan Island - Fixed Quest UI In Barkan Island. - Fixed Alsharu Battle. - Fixed an Issue in Alsharu Outro Cinematic that caused the HW to move around the scene alone.