EN ROUTE TO VERSION 1.0 - 0.99c Update

Swiss Knife

It's been 2042 years since the "Great Disappearing", on Earth, humans & animals are no more. The planet is now inhabited by Swiss Knives, little robots created by humans before the disaster. In reality, that is because humans created Swiss Knives that the Great Disappearing occured.

[Patch Note 0.99c - [19/05/2021] Motor - Fixed a lot of animation issues created by the last motor update. - Fixed Actions issues. - Fixed Climb, ZipLine and Swim Animators. - Fixed Event on animation issues. Abilities should work fine now. - Fixed Engineer Skin Manager. Scene Upgrades & Fixes Sheleg Worlds - Fixed the Quest Line issues. - Added Push Mechanic in Sheleg Scenes. - Fixed UI issues. - Upgraded Landscapes. - Fixed Yetsirah detection. Brocelia Forest - Totally reworked AscentTree in Brocelia Forest. - Upgraded Brocelia Forest tree colliders. - Upgraded Brocelia bounders. - Added new tree models. - Upgraded Brocelia Forest Landscapes. - Fixed Mayor Quest.