EN ROUTE TO 1.0 - Update 0.99m

Swiss Knife

It's been 2042 years since the "Great Disappearing", on Earth, humans & animals are no more. The planet is now inhabited by Swiss Knives, little robots created by humans before the disaster. In reality, that is because humans created Swiss Knives that the Great Disappearing occured.

[Patch Note 0.99m - [26/06/2021] Motor AI Upgrade - Fixed all AI models. - Upgraded AI Behaviours, now each AI will have their own behaviours. - Upgraded AI Combat Distances, AI with shooter weapons won't come close to the player anymore. - Upgraded AI Colliders. Hits & Abilities will be more precise. - Added a New AI The Bazûka HeavyWeight with a RPG Loot System - Swift Knives will now drop a random item and scraps : Unequiped enemies will drop : Ammo or Bonus. Melee enemies will drop : Weapon or Bonus. Shooter enemies will drop : Weapon or Ammo. Mini Bosses will drop : Special Weapon and a random Bonus. Mini Bosses are : Mini Yetsirahs, Troopers, Bazûkas & SandSeekers - Fixed Shooter Weapons not hitting enemies. - Fixed Shooter Weapons shooting through walls. - Fixed decays. - Fixed the WaveGun, can now be used as a regular shotgun. - Nerfed the Sheleg Freeze Abilitie (Engineer) from 15 per particle to 5 per particle Scene Updates & Fixes - Fixed an issue that caused Kaos the Hawker to be T-Posed. Antrum Caves - Fixed a Checkpoint Camera issue. Umi Reef - Optimized the scene once again. - Removed some enemies on the scene. - Upgraded the stairs leading to Jikai Village. - Fixed an issue that made you spawn out of bounds in Kawataro Arena. - Fixed an issue that cause grenades not to reload on every attempt on the Grenade Stand. - Added a PlatForm script in Kawataro's Head in order to make it easier to get in there. SK City Sewers - Added an island in the middle of Recycle District. - Fixed a Checkpoint Camera issue.