Electricity and the finger of evil


Machiavillain is an evil mansion management and strategy game, inspired by Dungeon Keeper, Prison Architect and all the horror movie clichés! Build your own manor, raise your monsters, set up your traps, and exterminate your victims. But to gain reputation you'll have to slay by the horror movie rules!

Dear fellow Villains, As always we want to thank you for your continued support! [h1]We are announcing the first feature and content update![/h1] It will be the [b]electricity [/b] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27993755/634d986f767e9d62f82f89d9ab9e01efd3284b07.png[/img] What will be new: - [b]Batteries, generators, wires.[/b] - [b]Presence sensors[/b] (to activate/deactivate). - [b]Lightning rod. [/b] - [b]Mobile phone jammer. [/b] - [b]Electric door[/b] (closed when powered by electricity). - [b]The finger of evil![/b] It will be a machine that recharges with quite a lot of electricity, but will give you the [b]power to generate lightning![/b] You will be able to zap victims, heroes or even your own minion to make them go faster. What will change: - Some furniture (like fridge, light,...) will need electricity to work now. (we will readjust the balancing) We will release this update for the end of July/ beginning of August. [b]And we will continue fixing bugs of course. [/b] As always, if you [b]find a bug[/b], we would appreciate it if you could click on [b]"Send Feedback"[/b] (bottom right) and add a short description. It will send us useful game data and it will help us fix them quicker, thank you! Thank you so much for your support, feedback and patience! Alex & Zimra