Early Access Update #1: Prince of Gluttons + Undo!

Aeon's End

Deck building with a twist! Lead a team of mages against the Nameless in this magic-based card battle game and save the city of Gravehold!

The first update of the Early Access period is here! Another nemesis threatens to devour the very memories of Gravehold. A new feature allows you to undo misclicks or change your mind. Plus a lot more - read on for all the details! [h1]Prince of Gluttons[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35186246/5100760ad71ba64401865b217ccb183e6d6f7fb5.jpg[/img] [i]At first, it seemed too easy to repel his attacks and send The Prince lumbering back into the bright nothing of the breach. But soon those that survived the attack had forgotten the name of The World That Was... The Prince feeds on our very histories, leaving behind only our fear and doubt. We are a people with no past nor future, trapped only in the fleeting moments before our eyes.[/i] The Prince of Gluttons is part of the core game and so is available for all to play starting with this update. This nemesis insidiously devours cards from the supply piles, growing more and more dangerous as he consumes your resources. [h1]Undo[/h1] Already the most-requested feature for Aeon's End has been an undo button. During the game you can use the new Undo button to go back after making a decision in most cases. This means you can change your mind after casting a spell, playing a card, buying a charge, etc. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35186246/b711557d65416e6649789bd3644d1c5efdc15e5a.jpg[/img] However, when any new information is revealed, you can no longer go back from that point. For example: [list] [*] When an unknown card is revealed from the turn order deck, you can no longer go back. [*] When a nemesis card is played, you can no longer go back. [*] When an unknown card is drawn from your deck (such as a corruption), you can no longer go back. [/list] We hope you enjoy this new feature! It will continue to be refined and improved during development, and we are happy to keep listening if there are ways we can make it better! [h1]Inspecting Mages[/h1] Most of the time, you're interacting with a mage's information on their own turn, and they are shown in the central play area. But sometimes you want to look more closely at the other mages, especially if they need to discard a card or take another action. In version 0.6 you can now get a better look at the other mages using the zoom in button on their panel. All of their interactions work the same way as before - you can just see them better. Click the zoom button again, or anywhere else on the screen, to get back to where you were. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35186246/f0bdd2d918e078405720efe0fbfe717143a92f84.jpg[/img] [h1]What's Going On?[/h1] We've made various improvements to help make it clear what's happening in the game. Played nemesis cards stay on screen for longer by default, and there's a new option to control that (including "forever" so you must click to dismiss them). Whenever a minion, power, or attack card is acting, it will be highlighted so you can tell what's causing damage or decisions. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35186246/93d9ead1af4b6734d4336a879c2d118145484602.jpg[/img] If you've been following our dev streams you will know about other subtle visual elements that are making it into this update. As Gravehold is damaged, the game background will slowly reveal the impact of the terrible attacks of the nemesis and its minions. Mages corrupted by the influence of Crooked Mask will start to look a little... off. We'll be continuing to add more elements like these in future updates to make the digital version of Aeon's End more immersive. [h1]Other Improvements[/h1] This first update is chock full of various other bug fixes and improvements. Here's a list of the notable ones: Audio: [list] [*] Clicking a spell to prep it now plays a sound effect. [/list] Interactions: [list] [*] Added confirmation warning when ending turn and actions can still be taken. [/list] Info Display: [list] [*] Added labels indicating nemesis-specific elements (fury tokens, strike deck, corruption deck). [*] Mage names are shown as tooltips on turn order cards. [/list] Visual Polish: [list] [*] Improved animation for destroying a breach. [*] Improved damage animations. [*] Improved display of exhausted mages. [/list] Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Fixed a problem interaction between Jian's ability and Xaxos's Flare spell. [*] Fixed difficulty selection not being preserved between games. [*] Fixed vsync not being enabled by default causing high CPU/GPU usage for some players. [/list] [h1]What's Next[/h1] There is still plenty to come during Early Access! We are working on adding the last nemesis from the core game, the Carapace Queen. Plus there will be additional big features like an interactive tutorial, card library screen, Steam achievements, and much more. Thanks for playing and keep sending in your feedback! [i]0.6.1 hot fix - improves the vsync fix to make sure it applies to all existing players.[/i]