Assume command of a battle fleet and deploy immediately to the Dust Zone, commander. Our main food supply station has gone dark and the United Earth Nations (UEN) needs to know why in this 4X RTS space sim. Manage your ships, control space stations, and watch your back.
Hello, commanders! Thanks for your great feedback on the recent [url=]Fleet Management update[/url]. This update squishes the bugs that were spotted.
[*] FIX: Remapped controls are not applied until the game is restarted. Remapped controls will now apply immediately.
[*] FIX: "Equip all" button makes module slots vanish in some circumstances.
[*] FIX: If settings.cfg is not present (eg new install) and if language was auto-set to a non-English language, English is still shown as selected in the menu.
[*] FIX: Non-native resolutions (eg using 1366×768 on a 1920x1080 display) cause the movement cursor to move to an incorrect position when applying a vertical move during a move order.
[*] FIX: Captured ships continue getting orders from the mission script. For example, in mission 5, captured cruisers would attack Franklin's APC at the end of the mission.
[*] CHANGE: APCs should have a slightly easier time docking with ships, with less circular dancing involved for smaller ships.
[*] CHANGE: Orca has gained a combat module slot.
[*] CHANGE: Wolf now has a medium weapon slot, to match it's default loadout.
[*] CHANGE: Tokara default loadout now uses medium lasers, to match the available weapon slots.