Assume command of a battle fleet and deploy immediately to the Dust Zone, commander. Our main food supply station has gone dark and the United Earth Nations (UEN) needs to know why in this 4X RTS space sim. Manage your ships, control space stations, and watch your back.
Welcome to Monday, commanders. Here's the patch notes for the latest Dust Fleet update addressing some feedback from the community.
[*] The flak turret now only requires a light turret port instead of a medium.
[*] Some ships captured during missions may not respond to orders. This is fixed for future occurrances, but any affected ships in saved games will remain affected.
[*] Destroyed squadron fighters being immediately rebuilt with low health upon docking, instead of waiting for other ships to complete build/repair first.
[*] Captured ships continue their attack orders on allied ships until given a new order.
[*] Allied ships continue attack orders on captured ships until given a new order.
[*] Holding right mouse button to pan the camera when a cutscene starts results in the camera pan still being active afterwards, until the right mouse button is pressed again.
[*] Tokara loadout has heavy missile launchers when it only has ports for medium. Tokara's default loadout now changed to use medium missiles. Note that these are much stronger against frigates than the heavy missiles.
[*] Using chaff opens pop-up camera view notification.
Patch notes are always available on [url=]Discord[/url], but for commanders who don't use it, I'll leave you with a round up of other recent fixes and improvements. Until next time, commanders!
[h1]Dust Fleet v4.8[/h1]
(Released 20th April 2024)
[*] The game will no longer automatically minimize when you alt-tab away from it, making for a smoother desktop experience.
[*] The taskbar executable icon has been updated.
[*] When given an order involving a specific ship part (eg a turret or landing pad) ships are unable to proceed if the target was destroyed or removed after the order was created.
[*] Fixes for some minor cleanup errors when ships were destroyed in certain circumstances.
[*] Some users were experiencing errors with the Epic overlay. These should now be corrected with this release.
[h1]Dust Fleet v4.9[/h1]
(Released 22nd April 2024)
[*] When saving a game while capturing, the saved game may become invalid.
[*] When saving a game during a mission-related APC docking, the progress bar may become stuck or instantly complete when reloaded later.
[*] Error when loading a saved game from the latter half of mission "Eyes".
[h1]Dust Fleet v4.10[/h1]
(Released 23rd April 2024)
[*] Unable to close the "low power" notification manually.
[*] More improvements for edge case situations around loading saved games.
[*] When merging fleets, the merged fleet may sometimes be called "new fleet" instead of using the custom names for any of the fleets being merged.