Duck Paradox Launch!

Duck Paradox

Shoot bouncing bullets in this roguelike precision platformer killing corrupted ducks while searching for Dr. Paraducks’ beloved pet throughout the multiverse! To return to safety you’ll need to tackle difficult-to-master trials, run after run, earning upgrades, while maintaining your sanity!

[previewyoutube=q1qRC152_aE;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] This is our first game, we are determined to learn as much as possible to become better at making games and that includes working on different projects. This game was born in a game jam and we decided to continue working on it because we realized how much fun it can be and how much more it can become. If the community wants more of it, we will be happy to expand on it before moving on to another project. That is precisely why we included an endless survival mode apart from the 10 Story levels, we want to give players enough playroom to imagine what else this game could be and then carefully listen to them to decide what to do next.