Devlog #9 - “Dear Diary, he didn’t fire me today…

Before Exit: Supermarket

Before Exit: Supermarket combines features from roguelike with walking simulator. As Supermarket employee you clean up damaged items, wipe up stains, and turn off the lights. Your task is close the store behind you, hoping that all tasks have been completed.

[h2]Customers! [/h2] [h3]We are making progress with the gameplay scenarios that you will encounter in the game. We don’t want to spoil anything, but there are first indicators about your cause in this shop! [/h3] [img][/img] (those one in Polish, we didn't have translations yet. Sorry!) Of course, those are not your only sources about what to do in the game, but a large part of the tasks will require that you deduce them from the environment or guess them based on the right setting. The first note is a static objective list, it tells you what you should check first if you want to complete each evening. This note is more of a signpost than a checklist, there will be things to do that are not noted there - but that is exactly what makes our game fun! The second list gives you insight into your progress - you will get fired if you make any mistake, but you get promoted to a better position and no longer have to close the shop after surviving 7 consecutive days. Unfortunately, we still face bugs that we need to patch, some of which are so interesting that I decided to share them with you: [img][/img] Currently, it is possible to squeeze through walls using a shopping cart, our character may have some supernatural powers, but this is unlikely to be one of them. [img][/img] This is a classic one - getting stuck between an object and a wall. We are sure that players will find plenty of bugs like that after release, but we want to catch the most obvious stuck places. [h3]That's all for today, Stay Tuned![/h3] [img][/img]