Devlog #4 - Looking at exit rules

Before Exit: Supermarket

Before Exit: Supermarket combines features from roguelike with walking simulator. As Supermarket employee you clean up damaged items, wipe up stains, and turn off the lights. Your task is close the store behind you, hoping that all tasks have been completed.

[h1]Hello customers![/h1] Before we begin today’s devlog, there is a quick look at our Main Menu! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/e6f35bcb07c41cb39a68725e22052a63cb081c39.gif[/img] Of course, it’s still mostly WIP since the scene behind Menus is not ready but we have begun work on this part of the game and wanted to share that. [h2]Let’s focus on the job.[/h2] In our first devlog (you can read it here: we write about our inspiration for the game and ideas for the gameplay. Today we will talk about the first mechanics that are coming into the game and how it all slowly comes together. We want to build our game around scenarios that will take place before the player's eponymous exit from work. We won't present the player with a given scenario, he will have to figure out what needs to be done by contextualizing environmental clues like stains on the floor or scattered objects. Each completed scenario leads to the next one. Today I want to show you the first simple mechanics that will allow us to build the mentioned scenarios. [h2]Daily routines.[/h2] Our first mechanic was fundamental - throwing out bottles and trash that was lying around the shop. We figured that disappearing items on contact with the trashcan isn’t saying enough so we gave it little feedback on when the item is correctly thrown out: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/d4b3f82088735c093bb01829c8b885e4f22b2325.gif[/img] Another mechanic we are working on is the responsive rendering of shopping carts into place. Customers like to leave them in very non-obvious places, so one of the player's tasks will be to put them back in place. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/c2169780f42b486cc11150e6a7b3c948d0a85968.gif[/img] The last thing I want to show today is playing with physics in order to create fun mechanics for restocking store shelves. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/f7f2af281983972aa97977d5c28334177a6511b6.gif[/img] Thats all for today, Stay Tuned!