Devlog #6 - Tilt me out!

Before Exit: Supermarket

Before Exit: Supermarket combines features from roguelike with walking simulator. As Supermarket employee you clean up damaged items, wipe up stains, and turn off the lights. Your task is close the store behind you, hoping that all tasks have been completed.

[h2]Hello customers![/h2] [h3]This week I have another batch of stories from the development of our game![/h3] [img][/img] We have added fireworks! Although we don't have anything to celebrate, fireworks are always fun. [h3]Tilting problem.[/h3] We are implementing more and more stuff, if you follow our devlogs you probably noticed that we have Shopping Carts. These bad boys are the first vehicle that we managed to add to the game and well, those are not perfect. [img][/img] A tilted camera like that is not what We wanted! But that was just another day in the office, bugs like that will probably haunt us till release day. The player's office at the back of the Supermarket does not play a significant role right now other than being a spawn point for the player. Nevertheless, you can hold up a bunch of shopping carts there and save them from greedy customers. [img][/img] [h3]Who let the trash out?[/h3] The last thing was added way back at the beginning of development but I'm never bored of it - throwing trash in the garbage bins. The twist is, Instead of a direct approach, you can throw from the very end of the store! [img][/img] You can almost forget that you have work to do! I can’t wait to see all those epic throws and trickshots done by the community. [h3] That's all for today, Stay Tuned![/h3] [img][/img] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/61ecd2a98c26c0810219661a18f451ad48985751.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/2fa793b517c781a24d116997c48485b4b5806022.png[/img][/url]