Devlog #7 - Door stuck!

Before Exit: Supermarket

Before Exit: Supermarket combines features from roguelike with walking simulator. As Supermarket employee you clean up damaged items, wipe up stains, and turn off the lights. Your task is close the store behind you, hoping that all tasks have been completed.

[h1]Hello gamers![/h1] [h3]Doors have always been a challenge for game designers.[/h3] Our first approach to door design took place in Electrician Simulator, our previous project. Players cannot expect what will happen after interacting with doors unlike real life - Will it open outwards or inwards? Outwards would be perfect for every door because it is the easiest scenario. But what if doors are opened inwards of the player? Sometimes it will bump up the player and push him away, or mess up with the camera. Maybe we should play an animation of opening doors? What if the player stays too close for doors when closing them, should we push him, or should doors stop closing? [h2]SO MANY QUESTIONS.[/h2] [img][/img] In the Electrician Simulator, we casually approached this problem - Every door opened outwards from the player, it solved the problem of awkward camera movement or the player being pushed away. Here, we choose a similar approach, but we are building Before Exit on a different game engine than Electrician Simulator so… that brings a new set of problems we haven’t encountered before. Getting stuck between walls and doors, or doors that open inwards no matter what is just the tip of the iceberg. But we are working hard to solve every problem ASAP! [img][/img] We have already teased things on our profile, but thanks to wonderful Unreal technology we are planning to add human characters to our game! We don’t have much experience with people, because it is really difficult to make them right and give them proper life, so they don't look like puppets. We have worked with animated people and rigged models in the past but never managed to do it right. In the Electrician Simulator, we lacked experience and decided that the game would play better without them, but the levels and world always felt kind of empty without them. Now, on a smaller scale, we can experiment and try with them! [img][/img] [h3]Thats all for today, Stay Tuned![/h3] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/61ecd2a98c26c0810219661a18f451ad48985751.png[/img][/url] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45055880/2fa793b517c781a24d116997c48485b4b5806022.png[/img][/url]