Devlog 1.0 New Voice Acting, Characters, Spells

Trail of Ayash

Trail of Ayash is an innovative and exciting open world game focused on the indigenous people, their struggles. Our world is a unique version of the lands dominated by the myths and legends of Its Inhabitants. Various tribes interact with one another, engaging in diplomacy, war, and expansion.

[b][h1]At present, we anticipate dedicating 1-2 months to the upcoming major update, which will introduce alterations to the main storyline and refine certain aspects of level design to reduce monotony in specific areas of the game. Additionally, we will continue to enhance other mechanics, gradually moving towards the final build of the game.[/h1][/b] [list] [h2] [*] Most of the Voice Acting has been remade [*] Magic projectiles have been revamped, and 15 new spells have been added [*] Bind arrows fix [*] Honovi's dialogue fix [*] Optimization of birds on great forest [*] Increased the number of guards in settlements [*] Allowing clicking on different categories in the top menu slot [*] When dragging items, now it provides a highlight for the items [*] Arrow collides directly on twigs model now [*] First death cutscene sound work fixed [*] Tutorial Message "Minimap" - Spelling error with blue targets: "companions" fixed [*] Missing voice line with Guamowe fixed. [*] New Bagwaji dialogue lines [*] The dodge-roll's sound effect has been fixed [*] Spelling fixes for our dialogue with Kireama [*] We added legend to the map [*] The player's knockback animation lasted too long, now it's fixed [*] We made some minor changes on the seaside regarding voice lines and climbable objects [*] The recipe-buying bug related to money has been fixed [*] Wiji's new dialogue added [*] The face of NPC Kuruman will now move during dialogue. [*] Completely overhauled the UI and streamlined all mechanics to enhance understanding and navigation [*] Fixed a bug where, when attacking enemies from afar while they are in a group, it would only trigger the specific target's aggression, while the rest of the group would ignore the attack. This was the easiest way to deal with any groups. [*] Added new NPC character models to reduce repetition [*] Changed spells and their effects to have more impact [*] Added remaining sound effects to animals [*] Asaloq now will be visibly wounded [*] This bug has been fixed. Within the same village, near the coast, the citizens weren't using their hammers correctly (hitting the wall with the hilt, not the hammer-head) and stood too far from the wall, leaving a considerable empty space between the NPC and the wall.[/h2] [/list] [b][h3]Add Trail of Ayash to your Steam Wishlist[/h3][/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38451278/c9f63c457cdd14fe3c79ebe8625937f57e0df92e.gif[/img]