Greetings survivor,
[i]Rumors of our drowning have been greatly exaggerated
With focus, we set to task
New opportunities now abound[/i]
Since returning from the winter holidays, we’ve harvested player’s feedback to better guide our development. Far from abandoned, we’ve been feverishly working in the background of Floodland knowing that the concepts, design and feel of the game resonate with many.
Now we’re ready to unleash a spring tide of new content and fixes.
[b]Warning,[/b] you may need to start a new playthrough to get the new content and fixes.
Let’s start our deep dive with the fun stuff!
All these new free features and content are aimed at one thing, adding depth and replayability to your Floodland experience. We’ve added:
From out there among the drowned ruins of old comes word of eight new clans to be discovered. Four can be selected as a starter clan when you begin a new game and four are out there, surviving. Each represents a binding ideology that has kept them alive this far. Fronted by a leader who will express the clan's story and the different traits the clan possesses.
How will you incorporate them into your society? Can you afford to?
While the shape of the island you start on remains the same, it is not unchanged.
Four layouts are now available, which will spice each play through. Resources and important buildings will be distributed differently.
Furthermore, when venturing out, you will discover new islands in the mix of those randomly generated with each play-through.
Floodland offers a rich world and a lore for those who uncover remnants of the old world. We won’t spoil them here, but there are around 20 new notes to find for those who enjoy a deep dive.
As your society develops you’ll encounter up to 10 new events. The decisions you make as leader will define how your fledgling community grows. Some of them offer some assuming twists to look out for.
If food be the food of love, eat on!
Many ask for more options to efficiently feed their settlement and so we’ve added the Mushroom pickers hut. Survivors can’t be picky, except when they can.
This increases the reach of the mushroom gatherers, which may not sound hugely important but to your settlers, it’s a big deal because it greatly increases their strategic options regarding sourcing food as Mushrooms used to be underpowered.
[b]Three new laws[/b]
With these extra laws you’ll be able to make the most of your community and focus their development towards your goals.
Many reviews and comments told us that, while people love the ideas and feels of Floodland, they were disappointed by technical difficulties. So firstly, we have fixed the most pressing issues that players told us about. This includes, but are far from limited to:
[b]Endgame objective: [/b]The last objective has been fixed to improve the end game experience. For spoilers about this objective see this Steam forum link
[b]Stability and performance:[/b] Crashes should be significantly reduced. Of course, we can’t account for all system configurations. The late game has been significantly optimized. Caping menu FPS to 60 makes the game work much smoother. We’ve also made many memory fixes that previously promoted crash problems.
[b]Survivors pathing issues: [/b]We have improved the scheduling of tasks which had knock on effects that led to issues, for example: people being stuck on boats and piers and resources not seemingly being transported.
[b]Shacks won't always upgrade to houses: [/b]Now they do!
[b]District Autonomy Law flaws: [/b]This law is now clearly described in game so that the expectation of the mechanic can be easily understood.
[b]Game events repeating: [/b]While some events are intended to repeat, their frequency has been significantly increased. Especially in regards to crises events.
[b]Save game load issues: [/b]Should be fixed, but some rare cases may not be and so please contact us via Discord and we can try to fix your game files.
Here are all the murky details about the fixes we’ve been working on the past 4 months:
[b]Quality of life changes:[/b][list]
[*] Preferred clan mechanics in Study is now more intuitive
[*] A maximum level of experience added
[*] Clarified information in a few tooltips
[*] Notifications rework to help players understand better what’s going on
[*] More detailed information about citizens not working due to illness
[*] Progress of work done in the building is not canceled during operation mode change
[*] Many traits fixes
[*] Fixes in throw-away resources mechanics
[*] New features for modders - some simplifications and new options
[*] Multiple fixes to certain tutorials not showing up properly
[*] The Electrified modes of certain buildings now correctly affect the number of work posts[/list]
[b]Graphic changes:[/b][list]
[*] Tweaks in the animations of citizens and birds
[*] Buildings placed on the curved surface are not hanging in mid-air
[*] Electricity visualization in a few Adaptable Buildings
[*] Visual adjustments to infections in expedition return panel[/list]
[b]UI clarifications[/b][list]
[*] Better view of the line connecting citizens with workplace and home
[*] New information in Technology Development showing details on building costs of Pathway on Shallow Water node
[*] Some fixes of inconsistent placement of elements on different UI scales
[*] Minor fixes to resource limits on the global resource panel - now data updates when the storage type building is deconstructed
[*] Visual adjustments to the left side panel with quests visited Ruins and Reclaims, etc.
[*] New UI dedicated to crises
[*] Added Clan’s in-game notification about Influence rise
[*] Electricity buildings in Technology Development show production outcomes[/list]
[b]Other changes & fixes:[/b][list]
[*] New data is included in the endgame panel, showing more diverse information about your playthrough
[*] New ambient sounds and music pieces have been added
[*] Rain frequency change
[*] Small fixes of keyboard control
[*] Pathfinder Camp building relocation interruption was facilitated
[*] Fixes for players that can’t accidentally turn off various panels (ex. Technology Development) during tutorials
[*] Paths refreshment after map changes - now citizens do not avoid buildings that no longer exist
[*] Citizens animation fixes
[*] Level Design fixes
[*] Localization fixes based on internal and external LQA
[*] Problematic effects of merging clans fixed
[*] Facilitation of blocking pier problem that sometimes happens
[*] Fixed problem with clan members that continue consuming Textbooks even if the clan has reached the maximum level
[*] Same-Sex Marriage, Fish Farm and Mushrooming Regulations laws tweaks[/list]
[b]This all relates to build v.1.2.22330[/b]
We’ve been continually thrilled to see that many consider the music and art of Floodland to be its real highlight. With our Relics of the Old DLC, you can now digitally own the music here:
As well as artbook and background stories here:
Using the tech of the before-times, we’d love to build a community with you outside of the game too. You can follow us and join your fellow survivors here:
Thank you for your support and patience while we prepared this mammoth update. We hope you enjoy and happy surviving,
- Your Floodland Team