“Greetings survivor”
[i]We’ve banded together for survival,
Around the campfire we have shared,
Stories told and the leaders have listened,
Now we implement a better tomorrow. [/i]
Welcome to Floodland, [i]“Here’s more!”[/i]
It’s been a delight since we released mid-November watching plays surviving and even flourishing in our world of Floodland. Along with our hotfixes, which were mainly aimed at fixing performance and stability issues, we have been working hard on more fixes as well as some new features, such as:
[b]Spot the difference! [/b]
We take it as a good sign that many have asked for greater replayability features and this starts with, well, the starter Island.
While its geography is largely the same to keep it identifiable, you’ll find a greater variety in the location and abundance of resources and its features with each play-through. For example look closely and you’ll find the radio and water tower are different.
We also heard from intrepid survivors that the need to create a 2nd storage and the importance of adapting buildings wasn’t clear to them. Therefore, to aid in this “tutorialization” we now made the ruined building on the 1st island more easily identifiable as reclaimable and on the new 2nd starter map it is adaptable into a 2nd storage.
Working towards greater optimization continues and we’ve made the following improvements:[list]
[*] The depth of field - Objects closer to the camera appear in focus, and objects farther are less detailed, and now games work faster on computers with lower specs.
[*] Volumetric - Optimization of volume rendering which creates a 2D projection from a 3D data set.
[*] Optimized some building models.
[*] Memory heavy and non-interactive sections of the map edge have been removed to lower the strain on memory usage. [/list]
[*] Flags are now hidden behind the buildings/map elements
[*] Rafts now move close to each other, not through each other
[*] Small storage was visibly offset - now fixed
[*] Now the Grain Mill and Advanced Grain Mill building models don’t have electricity pillars upon being built if they’re not electrified.[/list]
[*] Water balance now includes water use by farms.
[*] Sorting Station: Electrified Rubble Mode and Electrified Scrap Mode names are now referring to the correct resources.
[*] Fixed issue: Electrified Scrap Mode unexpectedly no longer adds an additional Unskilled workpost in the Sorting Station building.
[*] Risky Food balance display now includes that which is consumed by kitchens.
[*] Clicked Pathfinder Camp shows a range similar to that shown with a Storage.
[*] Differentiation between active and inactive Storage range - if there are no workers in the Storage the range is shown in a different way than when workers are in the Storage.
[*] The long road between home and workplace has been fixed concerning Storage Workers living in tents near a Storage building.
[*] Balanced Work Schedule law effect is now included in Max Satisfaction value in the Bonfire and Canteen recreational buildings.
[*] District view fixes - the “murders” are now properly called “injuries”.
[*] After being developed, certain upgrades now change the number of work posts for their respective buildings in Technology Development and Building Panel.
[*] Fixed the rare occurrence of the "infinity" icon that was presented for Rubble on the scavenge area panel (this issue occurred at a specific spot near Radio Tower on the starting island).
[*] The battery was unnecessarily shown in the Radio Tower as a resource in the building tasklist.
[*] The Study, Research Facility and Research Institute now are showing experience produced in the Technology Development screen.
[*] Buildings' production modes now unlock consistently.
[*] Fish School Spotting is now shown as a building, not a trait.
[*] Fixed the yellow dot showing the possible new building to be researched in Technology Development.
[*] Night Shift’s effect is now added to the balance in the resource bar at the top of the screen.
[*] The yellow dot in Technology Development shows the category with possible new buildings to research.
[*] The Pathway on Shallow Water in Technology Development now shows their costs.
[*] The amount of fish was sometimes wrongly shown when three schools of fish were taken into account.
[*] New notification with information for the player showing that the Night Shift law needs to be used manually.
[*] The tooltip for the “Academy“ word now clearly shows the tooltip of Academy, not Self Learning.
[*] Prepare for a looming fish crisis - the crisis’s objective now has a proper tooltip.
[*] The Meat Prohibition law's description now mentions that it affects Pool Shellfish Farm and Adapted Fisherman’s Hut buildings.
[*] The Industrial Baking trait’s description is consistent with its effect.
[*] Meat Prohibition Trait is now present in the Farm type buildings after establishing the respective law.
[*] Fixed an inconsistency with “The Law” saying it should only take 15% more time for people to get better, but Medical Tent says 18%.
[*] The “Centralized Health Services” law now consistently affects the number of patients in Hospitals and Clinics.
[*] The Autopsy law now mentions that it affects the Clinic building.
[*] Clan Satisfaction in buildings is more clearly shown.
[*] Information now clearly shows on the building panel the excess limit of resources or too small amount of resources.
[*] Oakhill Survivors’ Perk Ascetic is now included in the food balance.
[*] “Academic Debate” mode of the Study building (and its upgrades) is now called “Scholars’ Debate” so it’s not confused with “Academy” mode. [/list]
[*] Electrifying production is now more effective than the standard mode in Farmstead, Steelworks, Blacksmith, Lumber.
[*] Small Farm is now more effective (with all work posts manned) after upgrading to Farm, as originally intended.
[*] The adaptable Herbalist House is less effective now, as it was overpowered in comparison to the similar buildings.
[*] Rubble and Scrap deposits now contain more resources.
[*] The chance of contracting the disease in some of the buildings searched has increased.
[*] The ruins on the starting island now contain more relics, so it's less likely to get stuck with Research early in the game.
[*] Reduced effects of some of the crises, so they're less likely to break the whole economy.
[*] Changes in thefts: The theft values are now more reasonable, with a low crime rate they are low and with a high one they are high and coincide with the percentages displayed in the U.I.
[*] Clans now have less Recreation activities that they disapprove of, so it's a bit easier to set up Recreation for many clans.
[*] Mushroom Regulation and Fish Farm Regulation laws are now consistently improving Mushroom Cluster and Fish School production.[/list]
[*] Some texts (Laws’, tooltips’ or buildings’ descriptions) are now clarified.
[*] Better resources management of Pathfinder Camp due to the ability to now hold the mouse button to accelerates speed of adding and subtracting resources (+/-) as well as an added option to throw all resources.
[*] mouse button hold accelerates speed of adding and subtracting resources (+/-)
[*] Option added to throw all resources.
[*] An issue with the Electrified modes of certain buildings unexpectedly affecting the number of work posts has now been fixed.
[*] Deep water buildings don’t have a deconstruction option now. It was mistakenly present and the button didn’t work.
[*] Fixed the green seal being displayed improperly after establishing the law and suspending it in quick succession.
[*] U.I. fixes concerning long words in different languages, overlapping or corrupted icons, color corrections etc.
[*] The "i" icon after objectives shown in the left part of the screen won't appear in a separate line.
[*] Missing Keys error fixes - the “Missing Key” texts do not appear in the middle of other information.
[*] The player is able to interact with save slots in the Save Game menu when saving the game.
[*] Translation and localization completion - small amounts of texts were still in English and are now translated.
[*] Leaders’ comments are fixed. Some comments were displayed at the wrong moment, were connected to the wrong leader or law, repeated too many times.
[*] We’ve also added some new comments.[/list]
[*] Events are now better balanced and generally polished.
[*] Some events no longer pop up consecutively.
[*] Events that were meant to generate Unrest now do.
[*] Changed in the time of occurrence of certain events.
[*] Quests fixed - some weren’t finished even though conditions have been met.
[*] Songs with words are now playing till the end, not finishing in the middle.
[*] Music mood now changes straight after the crisis finishes.
[*] The campfire ambient sound is added when the campfire is present in the Encampments Model.
[*] More songs are played during end game credits.
[*] Ambient music and sounds now repeat less frequently.
[*] "Live Long and Prosper" achievement now unlocks upon meeting the criteria.
[*] “The Friends Will Be Friends” achievement unlocks consistently with its description.
[*] The button setting up priority for derelicts is now disabled by design.
[*] Fixed issues with keybindings.
[*] The Forager with electrified mode now gathers herbs with relevant mode
[*] Pathfinder Companies law fixes.
[*] True full-screen mode added.[/list]
[b]This all relates to build number 1.0.21270[/b]
Using the tech of the before-times, we’d love to build a community with you outside of the game too. You can follow us and join your fellow survivors here:
Now it’s all down paper, that really is a lot of fixes. We do hope you notice an improvement in your game experience and please continue to let us know in your Steam Reviews. We continue to work on your feedback, but stay tuned for next week because we have fun and much requested additions to offer you.
- Your Floodland Team