December 17th Update (Overpowered Samurai Fix, Beta Version of Japan Map)

Voxel Shogun KIritan Castle

A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.

[h2]Feature Additions[/h2] [olist] [*] Added the ability to set the combat cycle at the start of the game [*] Added a feature to select latitude and longitude at the start of the game using a 3D model of the japan map (experimental feature) [*] Changed to hide the selection panel when building a building [*] Made range tiles thinner to improve visibility (since this may make it harder to see for colorblind individuals, please let us know if that is the case) [/olist] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [olist] [*] Fixed a bug where enemy cavalry and artillery units would have abnormally high parameters when being attacked by melee units and changing unit types [*] Fixed the basyaku transporter loop (where basyaku would go to collect from a warehouse within range and deliver to that same warehouse) [*] Fixed the "Yagura Zombie Attack" issue (where soldiers would be revived and fight after receiving food supplies, even though the tower was destroyed) [*] Fixed a bug where production items would only be transported up to 999 when they exceeded 999; now they can be transported up to 100 million [*] To prevent game numbers from overflowing, the maximum level for each production facility is now limited to 99 [/olist]