DAVIGO Launches Today in Early Access!


DAVIGO is a VR vs. PC physics-based battle game. Become the GIANT in VR or a small KNIGHT on PC and fight your friends in local or online matches. KNIGHTS play for free with DAVIGO KNIGHT'S PASS.

[h1]DAVIGO IS AVAILABLE NOW![/h1] Become the GIANT in VR or a small KNIGHT on PC and fight your friends in local or online matches! [h3]WHAT IS DAVIGO KNIGHT'S PASS?[/h3] DAVIGO KNIGHT'S PASS is a free version of the game that lets PC players play against VR players who have purchased the game. KNIGHT'S PASS includes the KNIGHT character only. VR is not required. Download the free KNIGHT'S PASS from the DAVIGO Steam page. [h3]WHAT'S NEXT FOR DAVIGO?[/h3] DAVIGO will continue development post-launch to improve the game with your feedback. The full version is planned to release in early 2024. [url=https://discord.gg/eaAaCmu]Join the Discord[/url] if you haven't already to connect with other players. There you can give feedback, leave suggestions, and interact the development team! [h3]LEAVE US A REVIEW![/h3] If you like the game, please consider leaving us a positive review! It goes a long way in helping DAVIGO reach a bigger audience. [previewyoutube=z0x7ZD1ynGk;full][/previewyoutube]