Combat Update Out Now!


Create virtual lifeforms whose development is shaped by a deep simulation of evolution. Guide them as they fight, mate, and adapt to the environment you have built. All the creatures in the trailer evolved on their own in the game!

[previewyoutube=i0jOM91PYK0;full][/previewyoutube] Hello! After an extended open beta we're now ready to release the Combat Update onto the main branch of the game! You can see the new update in action in the trailer above! This update adds a whole new combat layer to the simulation which should change how the game plays in some interesting ways. Previously the main strategy for success in a creature was speed, if it could swim fast, then it was likely to succeed and flourish in the ecosystem. But now all creatures will develop a range of combat statistics, and will need to adapt to survive attacks from predators and apex predators. Some of these are under the hood stats, such as bite strength and poison resistance, but others are visual too such as a puffing up in a threatening behaviour, using electrical attacks to stun enemies, or growing poisonous spikes on their body. Patch Notes: FEATURES Combat Simulation: Combat is heavily physics-based and includes new traits (and new uses of existing ones) that can be factors in a species' evolutionary future. [list] [*] Biting does piercing damage, based on bite force quotient, size, and total creature momentum. [*] Striking with limbs does slashing or blunt damage based on the momentum of the strike. [*] If an attack throws a target's joint out of position, this can cause the limb to become nonfunctional, dizzy the creature, impair its vision, cause bleeding, and several other types of statuses. [*] Creatures can also evolve different types of venoms, which impart different negative effects, as well as resistances to these effects. [*] Creatures can evolve thicker skin in places and thicker skulls, as well as spikes and carapaces, which defend against certain types of attacks. [*] All new combat stats are subject to mutation and mating, and can be changed in the editor. [*] Multiple creatures can all participate in the same fight, allowing for predators to engage in group tactics. [*] Combat can be induced between any two creatures in the game by selecting a creature, clicking the 'Force Combat' button in the Interaction menu, and then clicking a target. [/list]