Cloud Gardens is leaving Early Access September 1st

Cloud Gardens

A chill game about using plants to overgrow abandoned wasteland dioramas

Cloud Gardens is leaving early access on September 1st! We've been hard at work at a combination of new features, quality of life improvements, and language support, and we're thrilled to be releasing so soon. The full release features a Branching Overworld Map. It weaves together all of the existing levels and introduces more than 15 new levels. The Creative Mode is also getting updated, adding more than 120+ new items, the ability to create custom skyboxes, and dozens of smaller quality of life improvements. We've also added long requested Achievements! Here's a more detailed list of just some of the things we're launching with: [list] [*] Language Support: Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish [*] A Branching Overworld Map [*] 15+ New Levels [*] 120+ New Items [*] Freecam Mode [*] Customizable Skyboxes [*] Achievements [*] Full Controller Support [*] And More! [/list] Thank you to everyone who's been with us since the beginning, your support has meant so much! And welcome to all the new folks who discover our game at launch, we hope you enjoy these digital gardens. See you on September 1st!