Chasing Sunsets v0.8a is Live

Chasing Sunsets

When your mother remarries, her new husband's fiery daughter enters your life. After forming an initial strong connection, misunderstanding pushes you apart. Years later, reunited by tragedy and conspiracy, the two of you must choose a path to follow: Will you be rivals, friends, or lovers?

Following release, several bugs were discovered, two of them game-breaking. For those who have already completed Chapter 7, [u]we encourage you to play through on this updated version from the end of Chapter 6 before our next release[/u] to ensure all variables are set properly. While none of these were critical to the central plot, they could result in some incorrect dialogue in future chapters. [list] [*]Fixed issue on SteamDeck that was causing Save Game screen to break. On-screen keyboard can now be summoned with [b]Steam+X[/b]. [*]Fixed coding issue that resulted in poor animation performance during the hotel scene [*]Pathing issue Fixed: If MC rejected Mallory at end of Ch5, it does not end her path, but Ch7 failed to allow the player to continue a physical relationship with her. [*]Two variables were duplicated from Ch6. They are not story-critical for the most part, but a replay is worthwhile to avoid weird dialogue in Ch8 onwards. [*]Fixed erroneous reporting in the Chapter Summary about how the MC handled his chat with Jaye when he returned her phone. [*]Reverted an error in Chapter 2 where a variable was malformed. (Recording if the player hugged Jaye after she arrived on the yacht) [*]Made the trigger for the Erica phone chat in Ch7 more forgiving, and corrected dialogue to accurately reflect MC's behavior up to that point. [*]Lowered the love requirement with Mallory to ask Sophie to replicate Bandit from 34 to 31. This value is achievable without pursuing her romantically. [*]Corrected numerous spelling errors, typos, and flawed grammar. [/list] Outstanding issues: [list] [*]Some players have reported broken saves. [/list]