Chasing Sunset Chapter 7 Release Soon!

Chasing Sunsets

When your mother remarries, her new husband's fiery daughter enters your life. After forming an initial strong connection, misunderstanding pushes you apart. Years later, reunited by tragedy and conspiracy, the two of you must choose a path to follow: Will you be rivals, friends, or lovers?

Hey all, just checking back in with a quick update. We're still stitching "all the things" together for Chapter 7, and the truth is Kent still has a couple of scenes left to pose. Not super small ones either. The first animation work has come off the presses, and is looking really solid, and we don't anticipate animation delivery being our last box to check. Unfortunately, we did hit a bit of a speed bump due in part to a family emergency on Kent's side. Everything's alright, and it's behind us now, but it did slow us down more than we would have liked. This will, sadly, push our release out a few more weeks. I know this isn't welcome news, and I can only offer that our slip will be weeks rather than months. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, we fall short of the goals we set for ourselves. In any case, the silver lining is that this chapter has quite a bit going on with bad endings, chickens coming home to roost, and subplots starting to wrap up. I expect we'll have the entire script playable front-to-back by the end of this coming weekend, and at that point will just be backfilling art, tweaking audio, and path testing. Just as a refresher, we're looking at: [list] [*] Approximately 2000 of Kent's tasty renders [*] All new Puggy animations [*] Side girl content (without leaving out our two main LIs) [*] At least two ways to get a bad ending [*] New exclusive music [*] At least two crossovers with other popular titles in the AVNCU [*] 14 new achievements [*] Moar pop culture references [/list] Thank you for bearing with us. We hate announcing delays as much as you hate reading about them. As always, we'd rather take the goodwill hit here than by releasing something that's not quite ready for prime time because we rushed. Per feedback from players, we are posting our dev update to the Store Page rather than pinning it in the discussion forums for better visibility. We're sorry to those players who felt like there had been no updates since October of last year. Our next update should be announcing beta testing has begun. Best, Kentyrr and Stoya Here are some preview images from Chapter 7 to hold you over in the meantime! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/bc116f4efc347f44118f4358b061ecdd501b09f9.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/eb7acd492ab0ddc862c6febfa81dae0b738d94c5.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/d962930428d501b5b10c7ab7db82c33f0192d7fe.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/dad1d227ad4827449ddce6c3ec6a9f60214fe871.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/fb9bb2c1984009491482120e4a7078c5428955bd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41719348/3c84f7d0de0bf4fd38ac94f3aacc2c243765f134.jpg[/img]