Chasing Sunsets v0.7a (Chapter 6 + Bugfix)

Chasing Sunsets

When your mother remarries, her new husband's fiery daughter enters your life. After forming an initial strong connection, misunderstanding pushes you apart. Years later, reunited by tragedy and conspiracy, the two of you must choose a path to follow: Will you be rivals, friends, or lovers?

This patch brings all versions of CS into code-parity. Please see the patch notes below for the changes. There is no new content. [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*] [b]MAJOR[/b] - Corrected achievement triggers for "Positive Reinforcement" and "Smooth Operator," which were reversed in Chapter 1. ** [*] [b]MAJOR[/b] - Adjusted Chapter 6 Summary text to make the results of certain choices less harsh. ** [*] [b]MAJOR[/b] - Corrected reporting bug if MC refused to spar with Tanaka in Chapter 6. [/list] [list] [*] [b]MINOR[/b] - Made transition to End of Chapter Summary consistent with save notifications on all paths. [*] [b]MINOR[/b] - One image in post-intimate scene was incorrect and has been replaced. [/list] [list] [*] [b]COSMETIC[/b] - Numerous spelling and grammar corrections. [*] [b]COSMETIC[/b] - Removed innocuous additional DiscordRPC call during the motorcycle scene. [/list] *Odds are you got these achievements anyway, because the variables were correct, the achievement queries were just swapped. ** Note - The variables do not change, just the reporting. The modified reporting does NOT require a replay. If you like, you can load your save, and roll forward or back to the Chapter Summary. If you "cheated" on Mallory, you will see the Summary text is more nuanced and less foreboding about the implications of that choice. It's important to note that neither the story nor point tallies are changing. This was something I meant to adjust before release was overlooked and which now more accurately reflects the world state intended.