Chapter 8 Development Has Begun!

Chasing Sunsets

When your mother remarries, her new husband's fiery daughter enters your life. After forming an initial strong connection, misunderstanding pushes you apart. Years later, reunited by tragedy and conspiracy, the two of you must choose a path to follow: Will you be rivals, friends, or lovers?

Dev Cycle 9 has begun! It's hard to believe we're closing in on the finish line of our little project, yet here we are. Tonight, Kent and I selected two new characters for the first scene and began picking up where Chapter 7 left off. Beginning tomorrow, Kent will begin building art off the first Chapter 8 dialogue, and we're off to the races. As previously stated, Chapter 8 will be the final one on the island of Tonalu before the story moves back to the States for its conclusion. Entitled "Smoke and Mirrors," the Campbells will get their first real glimpse of how far down the rabbit hole the events surrounding their inheritance go. Don't expect they'll go wheels-up without opportunities to enjoy some of the alluring distractions along the way! As development ramps up, continue to check the Previews channel on Discord for sneak peeks at what we're cooking up while you wait! We'll continue to post updates as the development cycle progresses here. While art renders tomorrow, I will complete the final Chapter 7 build with grammar, spelling, and minor bug fixes, none of which require a replay.