Chapter 8 Dev Update #3

Chasing Sunsets

When your mother remarries, her new husband's fiery daughter enters your life. After forming an initial strong connection, misunderstanding pushes you apart. Years later, reunited by tragedy and conspiracy, the two of you must choose a path to follow: Will you be rivals, friends, or lovers?

As the dog days of summer continue, Kent and I are plugging away at Chapter 8, which is shaping up to be even bigger than the last one. In the short term, I will be releasing a minor bug fix update in the next week or so with a few spelling/grammar corrections, and a few other corrections that have emerged as Chapter 7 becomes well-trodden. As of today we're sitting at well over a thousand images rendered, with four large and four smaller scenes left to go in development. My PC is running around the clock as Kent is keeping the render queue well-fed. This is the point in the development cycle where we begin art and script integration and plan animations. While we've been somewhat quiet, it hasn't been for lack of effort. We're at the point in the development cycle where we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, not only for the chapter, but for the entire project. This has been a tremendous amount of work, but it has been rewarding beyond words watching the fanbase evolve and our little proof-of-concept take flight. Our focus at this point is in sticking the landing! Once we have the game finalized, our intent is to "remaster" the Prologue and Chapter 1, as well as remake the earliest animations to bring them up to the same level as the more recent ones. After that, Kent and I will move on to Project Next, so stay tuned to hear what we have planned for our second project! So, what can you expect from Chapter 8? [list] [*]The fallout from MC's encounter with Vince [*]The outcome of the inheritance evaluation [*]Deeper insight into Lisa and Bianca's lives [*]The outcome of the Bandit gambit [*]The thinking bench returns [*]At least one easter egg with another popular AVN [/list] The sale of the MV Sunset marks the end of our protagonists' time on Tonalu, after which they will fly home to face the outcomes of their decisions. As always, expect updates to appear more frequently as we approach the end of the development cycle. Thank you for your patience, and giving us the time to do what we do!