Builders of China - Devlog #7 - "Buildings of the Empire #1"

Nanzou: The Divine Court

Nanzou: The Divine Court is a genre-mixing city builder set in a dynamic world inspired by Chinese mythology. As the Exceptional Soul summoned by the Emperor of the Divine Court, you'll manage souls to carry out divine commands on the mystical floating island of Nanzou.

[h1][b]Hello Builders![/b][/h1] [h2]There is no Empire without its people and there are no people without their buildings and structures![/h2] [h3]Beta test sign-ups are still on-going and we invite you all to send your application in order to have a chance to play the game and check it for yourself a little bit earlier![/h3] While last time we talked about houses that citizens of our Empire can call homes this time we're gonna talk more about the buildings where they work and toil for the greatness of the Empire. As you might have expected - in the game you will be able to build variety of buildings that will fulfill a certain particular role in the game. Some of their use might be self-explanatory - you pretty much can think about what happens in a building called Fisherman's Hut, some others might be a more complicated. Take a look below to see our concept arts for the Hut in question and take a look at how the art evolved. Early concepts evolve into colourless representation from which we went into colouring - an important part of the task of creation. After all with colour you're setting the tone of the building that then can be followed by the 3D artists. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3c84eb5be266a61d2526854da69f0576eeeb7428.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/58ae737124121dc9b6d122b3f27e4fb58b39c04b.png[/img] We are happy to showcase one more building this time - both its colourless and coloured versions and we were wondering whether you would be able to discern what kind of building it is and what is its designed function? We await your replies in the comments below this devlog and don't worry - we'll let you know there what exactly is this particular building. A little tip is that its connected to safety and one of those is more than necessary in a city. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/8f93b244909a02f27d7d27ab27b33cd168817046.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/9642b395bf42a40ebe767419e93897f24bace74b.png[/img] What do you think about the overall direction we're taking with the artstyle of the game? Do you like it or have any kind of feedback for them? Be sure to let us know in the comments! [i]Thank you for tuning in this time and see you next one![/i] Best regards, Builders of China Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31151725/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]