Builders of China - Devlog #13 - "Your thoughts, our menu"

Nanzou: The Divine Court

Nanzou: The Divine Court is a genre-mixing city builder set in a dynamic world inspired by Chinese mythology. As the Exceptional Soul summoned by the Emperor of the Divine Court, you'll manage souls to carry out divine commands on the mystical floating island of Nanzou.

[h1][b]Hello Builders![/b][/h1] [h2]This time we've a question that we'd like to ask you![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/3d0be95f42b5f9cb901141897ccc6fa8a9550d83.png[/img] As you can see in this particular devlog - we've recently been working on the main menu of the game. We have many ideas for that particular element of the game and we wanted to reach out to you and ask whether you have a favourite from the concepts we've already prepared. As we value your voice and always love to communicate with you we're happy to have this option and hear your opinion. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/24b7995e649f1090bdf8f38fbc94dc5f4a815898.png[/img] There are three options that we are presenting you with at the moment however as we work on the game it is possible that we will also create a different main menu - so if you're not quite on board with any of these your opinion - that's absolutely fine and we urge you to let us know about it. The more we know the more we can improve and create something perhaps better! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/f6163c7511a50122dc6d549e411d489e96b39618.png[/img] Nonetheless when creating the menu screens we were doing our best to make sure that the appropriate spirit and atmosphere of the game will be visible and could be felt just by looking at the menus. In a way it can be a face of the game! If you also believe that some of the options that we've presented looks nice but you would add something to make it even better - make sure to let us know about it! Below you'll find a link to a very short survey that will help us with the decision making and will allow you to let us know about your feelings. We hope you'll spare us a moment and submit it! Thank you! šŸ“Survey form: [i]Make sure to wishlist the game! See you in the next devlog![/i] Best regards, Builders of China Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31151725/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]