Builders of China - Devlog #16 - "People, people, people..." #2

Nanzou: The Divine Court

Nanzou: The Divine Court is a genre-mixing city builder set in a dynamic world inspired by Chinese mythology. As the Exceptional Soul summoned by the Emperor of the Divine Court, you'll manage souls to carry out divine commands on the mystical floating island of Nanzou.

[h1][b]Hello Builders![/b][/h1] [h2]We're back with some awesome concept arts showcasing your future subjects![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/51967adefd6a0c5327e0cf5c8867868ac50ec367.png[/img] In the previous devlogs we've showcased some of the designs for the people from higher spheres that you will surely have the chance to meet while playing Builders of China. You will not, however, be surrounded only by people coming from the high class and other aristocrats. Normal people, villagers and citizens are the soul of the nation and without them you will amount to nothing. Winning their acceptance and trust will be the key to creating a great Empire! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/70755eb0b99e36a93c734f01e8acfcf7eb30339a.png[/img] People are different - that's something we all know from the real life and we're sure to include different variations of NPCs in the game. Some of them might be more scrawnier looking while other perhaps like to eat a bit more than the others. All of them are instrumental in the process of construction of your Empire. As you can see we're aiming for specific design style and we hope you'll like the direction in which we're going. As you might imagine what you will see in the game will be based on artworks just like those we're presenting above. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/efee1842fdb62c84f0c82a358c75401f4a5c258b.png[/img] We also hope to properly emulate the spirit and atmosphere of the times while accentuating our stylistic choices. Fun looking characters invoking happiness just by looking at them running around the village will be clothed appropriately and will live in specific buildings that will also thematically fit together and create a coherent entirety. We'll be happy to present you with the effects of our labour and we'd appreciate all your comments in that regard! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38493800/6f73d183d5fc6e427c895ee7d0646676df7f5d1c.png[/img] [i]Thank you for checking in with us - make sure to wishlist the game and see you in the next devlog![/i] Best regards, Builders of China Team [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31151725/3275740acc70c627275e89ee73f2cec9575f4e27.png[/img][/url]