BETA update v1.6

Geometry Dabs - Save the World

Geometry Dabs, a dangerous drug, has brainwashed countless individuals into becoming mindless slaves for its creator, RopTob. The exact purpose of RopTob's control over these victims remains unclear, but it surely cannot be anything good. Your goal is to rescue these people from RopTob

[b]Change logs[/b] [b]Map 1: Prisonbreak[/b] [list] [*] Speedrunner's timer is now visable in the keypad [*] Removed all ammo boxes in impossible mode as it's not needed [/list] [b]Menus[/b] [list] [*] In speedrunner mode, restart level will restart the level only not play the cutscene [*] Added a disable music button in the settings of the main menus that will disable the bg music playing [/list] [b]General[/b] [list] [*] Improved the file size of the game [/list] [b]Steam[/b] [list] [*] Added 2 achievements [/list]