Geometry Dabs, a dangerous drug, has brainwashed countless individuals into becoming mindless slaves for its creator, RopTob. The exact purpose of RopTob's control over these victims remains unclear, but it surely cannot be anything good. Your goal is to rescue these people from RopTob
[b]Level 3: Destroy Geometry Dabs Land[/b]
[*] Fixed a bug where the pods destroyed text wouldn't reset if you restart the level/go back to menu then play level again.
[*] Fixed a bug where going out of bounds and then entering the car fucks the whole game up.
[*] Changed so that each spawnpod can only spawn a max of 20 enemies.
[*] Fixed a bug where you could destroy the pods from any distance with fists aslong as you hit an enemy in the range of it.
[*] Optimized the level a bit more.
[b]Arena Mode[/b]
[*] New map! map 4: Destroy Geometry Dabs Land.
[*] Fixed a bug where all the arena maps would restart to map 1 and go back to map 1 menu when you exit.
[*] Fixed so that all arena mode maps play the correct background music.
[*] Lowered the volume on the rocket explosion.
[*] Fixed a bug where you could fire the RPG in the pause menu.