[b]Change logs
[b]Map1: Prisonbreak[/b]
[*] Fixed various cases of floating objects/objects you can phase through
[*] You can now execute using enter and exit using escape in the keypad
[*] Added the ability to pick difficulty, you can now choose to play the map normally, hard mode, impossible mode or speedrunner mode.
[*] Fixed a bug where the fists would get stuck in a certain pose if you switch whilst attacking
[*] Fixed a bug where the weapon ui would get stuck on screen if you pause too quick
[*] When you die/win the ammo and popupInfo will disappear now
[*] If you press J, mohammed will say sab to mohammed now
[*] Fixed a bug where you could switch weapons in the keypad
[*] Fixed a bug where if shot from afar the gdkid would glitch out
[*] Added more idle phrases
[*] Added a 0.1% chance gdkid dies if they see you