Geometry Dabs, a dangerous drug, has brainwashed countless individuals into becoming mindless slaves for its creator, RopTob. The exact purpose of RopTob's control over these victims remains unclear, but it surely cannot be anything good. Your goal is to rescue these people from RopTob
[b]Change logs
[b]Map1: Prisonbreak[/b]
[*] Fixed various cases of floating objects/objects you can phase through
[*] You can now execute using enter and exit using escape in the keypad
[*] Added the ability to pick difficulty, you can now choose to play the map normally, hard mode, impossible mode or speedrunner mode.
[*] Fixed a bug where the fists would get stuck in a certain pose if you switch whilst attacking
[*] Fixed a bug where the weapon ui would get stuck on screen if you pause too quick
[*] When you die/win the ammo and popupInfo will disappear now
[*] If you press J, mohammed will say sab to mohammed now
[*] Fixed a bug where you could switch weapons in the keypad
[*] Fixed a bug where if shot from afar the gdkid would glitch out
[*] Added more idle phrases
[*] Added a 0.1% chance gdkid dies if they see you