Geometry Dabs, a dangerous drug, has brainwashed countless individuals into becoming mindless slaves for its creator, RopTob. The exact purpose of RopTob's control over these victims remains unclear, but it surely cannot be anything good. Your goal is to rescue these people from RopTob
[*] Removed the fists' instantiate animation.
[*] Fixed a bug where you can't win once beating 20 waves.
[*] Added checkmarks for if you beat all diffulties in a level or beat all 20 maps in an arena map.
[*] Improved the made with unity splash screen
[*] In the levels and arena menus if you hover over the buttons it will change the background to the level.
[*] Changed the games names in the files and in the windows from "My project" to "Geometry Dabs - Save the World BETA"
[*] Changed the taskbar logo from unity logo to geometry dabs logo