Geometry Dabs, a dangerous drug, has brainwashed countless individuals into becoming mindless slaves for its creator, RopTob. The exact purpose of RopTob's control over these victims remains unclear, but it surely cannot be anything good. Your goal is to rescue these people from RopTob
[b]Change logs[/b]
[b]Arena mode[/b]
[*] New gamemode! Arena mode - Survive against waves of Geometry Dabs enemies for as long as you can. Max 20 waves.
[*] New enemy introduced - GDMod.
[*] 2 maps for arena mode - New map called "arena" and another map called prisonbreak, which is a changed version of the main area in level 1: Prisonbreak.
[*] You can now remove the previous digit you put with backspace.
[*] Updated the steam store to include references to arena mode.