Axeboi Plushie + Free CULTIC Key - Last Chance to Order!


Death is only the beginning. Crawl from your grave and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and twisted cult. You, your guns, and your dynamite will have to shoot, slide, blast, duck, dodge, and maybe throw a gib or two to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

Hello all! The CULTIC x MAKESHIP Axeboi plushie is still available for pre-order, but only for a couple more days! Unfortunately, we're currently only about halfway to the goal of total orders needed for the campaign to succeed and go into production, so any support is greatly appreciated! The plushie also comes with a free Steam key for CULTIC to send to your friends! Order at the link below: [b]In non-plushie related news:[/b] The Survival update is going into testing this week, and I'm hoping to get a devlog out about what I've been up to since CULTIC news has been a bit light lately. Keep an eye out for both of these soon!