CULTIC v107b Patch


Death is only the beginning. Crawl from your grave and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and twisted cult. You, your guns, and your dynamite will have to shoot, slide, blast, duck, dodge, and maybe throw a gib or two to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

Hey all! Just pushing the current beta branch to the default stable branch. This should address some common issues being reported since the launch of Interlude. Details below! [list] [*] Ladders should now work properly on Gamepad [*] Re-baked occlusion which should help performance in rooftop area [*] Optimization which should help reduce load times for Interlude [*] Added a small bit of signposting for rooftop pipe entrance [*] Fixed a revolver pickup that was falling through the world [*] Fixed a couple of secrets in E1M1 that weren't triggering properly [*] Fixed an issue that could cause background music tracks to not start over properly [*] Interlude boss now immune to fire self-damage [/list] Also pushed a second tiny update to fix a pathfinding issue in E1M4