CULTIC: Merry Cultmas Update!


Death is only the beginning. Crawl from your grave and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and twisted cult. You, your guns, and your dynamite will have to shoot, slide, blast, duck, dodge, and maybe throw a gib or two to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

[previewyoutube=0RSS_MOglCk;full][/previewyoutube] Deck the walls with cultist bodies in this free Survival update! Fight your way through the streets of New Grandewel in a new Survival map, which gives players their first peek into a new area from CULTIC: Chapter Two! This update also brings a few tweaks to Survival and some additional surprises! Full details below! [h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*] New Survival Map: Merry Cultmas [*] New Survival Track: Merry Cultmas [*] Corrupted Officers introduced to Survival enemy pool [*] Saved Loadout feature moved from beta to stable - this allows you to choose a loadout from a save file when starting a map from Scene Select, effectively allowing you to do custom loadout / NG+ runs. [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Some more difficult enemy groups (Harvesters, Armored, Sharpshooters) pushed back from Wave 3 to Wave 4 [*] Combos now grant a cash bonus in addition to a score bonus, so keep on the pressure! [*] Razor wire coils will now [b]damage and repel players[/b], as they're going to be used more often in Chapter Two to reduce the need for invisible walls in easily sequence-broken areas. [*] Sliding now causes burning players to go out faster [*] Rolling immediately extinguishes a burning player [/list]