CULTIC Chapter One v105 Released


Death is only the beginning. Crawl from your grave and gear up to fight your way through the ranks of a mysterious and twisted cult. You, your guns, and your dynamite will have to shoot, slide, blast, duck, dodge, and maybe throw a gib or two to survive in this old-school-inspired shooter.

Update v105 is finally being moved to the main branch! [previewyoutube=pQViHsQUpLU;full][/previewyoutube] This is a fairly chunky update, so I'll get right into the changes: [h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*] New Survival Map "Unholy Commotion" - Romp around the crypts and rack up those S-Ranks! [*] New "Survival Options" menu added with configurations to change spawn rates and disable the Survival timer. Use of these options will disable achievements and leaderboard progression. [*] Changes in game version will backup player's preferences and profile, to preserve that data in the event of a problematic patch [*] Added optional hazard directional indicators to Accessibility options, to aid players to locate hazards that partially rely on audio cues (dynamite, ghost props) [*] An "Ambient Light" slider was added to Options > Video, and can be adjusted to have darker overall environments. This value has been defaulted to a slightly lower value than the game launched at, so you may notice moodier environments. Push this value to "100" to restore the original brightness levels. [*] The "Brightness" slider was fixed to allow negative values without breaking HUD transparency. You should be able to darken the game as well as brighten it now. [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Most enemy sprites have been re-rendered to clean up aliasing and enhance shading, which should result in better visual clarity in conjunction with the in-game dithering/filtering. [*] Survival Mode has a new map select menu, rather than clicking on the map to start the match. [*] The FG-42 has a proper contextual indicator for toggling fire-modes, and the upgrade verbiage was altered to better illustrate the toggle. [*] FG-42 scope visuals were cleaned up to provide a more usable crosshair [*] Menu sliders are now locked to particular unit intervals when using keyboard/gamepad, and you can hold the directional keys to slide it continuously. [*] Individual dynamite sticks now have a hitbox and can be detonated with gunshots [*] Dynamite sticks no longer respond to physical impulses from other explosions to help with Cluster Toss consistency [*] Enemy pathfinding was adjusted so they are more willing to drop off of ledges if they don't think the fall will kill them [*] The previously selected Survival Difficulty is now remembered when you exit and return to that menu [*] Survival Difficulty now defaults to Standard, rather than Casual [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Menu sliders should now work properly when controlled via keyboard or gamepad. [*] Trees that were improperly showing their low-LOD sprite in E1M6 were adjusted [*] Some stretched textures in E1M3 were fixed [*] A sharpshooter in E1M7 had their AI zone changed so they'll correctly engage with the player [*] A lighting issue in E1M4 was fixed [*] Several instances of sound emitters ignoring the sound volume settings were fixed [*] An issue was fixed with explosive projectiles that was causing damage to go through walls [*] A see-through mesh in E1M4 was fixed [*] Incinerator particles no longer cast shadows [*] Certain enemies should no longer spam sounds when burned without first drawing their aggro [*] Fixed some audio sources that were ignoring the audio mixer [*] Custom Difficulty should now be properly disabled if you switch from a custom session to a standard session [/list]