August Beta Test Event Winners Announcement

Dungeon Stalkers

Dungeon Stalkers is a PvEvP dungeon crawler game where you can experience the joy of exploration and survival in a classic RPG. Join forces with your companions to defeat other adventurers and monsters, and acquire equipment and treasures. Then, escape safely from the witch's curse!

Hello, Stalkers! Thank you so much for participating in our August beta test and events. We hope you had a fantastic time with Dungeon Stalkers! We’re excited to announce the winner of the Dungeon Quest Event and Dungeon Vlog Event. [b]🎁Winners Announcement[/b] [list] [*] Dungeon Quest winners : [url=]Link[/url] [*] Dungeon Vlog Winners : [url=]Link[/url] *Dungeon Quest Compensation on Thursday, September 5, 2024 4:05 PM (KST) Shipment Completed *Dungeon Vlog Compensation on Thursday, September 5, 2024 2:35 PM (KST) Shipment Completed [/list] [b]🎁Notice[/b] [list] [*] Winners will receive details about rewards at the email address used for event participation by September 9, 2024. [*] If you have any questions regarding the event results, please reach out to us at by September 2, 2024 [/list] Once again, thank you for joining our August beta test events. We are committed to providing you with even more enjoyable experiences in the future. Thank you.