Aseprite v1.3.3 released!


Aseprite is a pixel-art tool to create 2D animations, sprites, and any kind of graphics for games.

Hi Asepriters! Today we are releasing Aseprite v1.3.3 with several bug fixes and some improvements. You can check the [url=]release notes[/url] for more details. [h2]What's new[/h2] New range for opacity and alpha values in percentage. Now you will see opacity values from 0% to 100%, and alpha values from 0 to 255 by default: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/11891144/7c98906ae4848fd61700a8bd64dbe3e2ce31dc77.png[/img] You can configure this from [i]Edit > Preferences > Color > Alpha & Opacity[/i]: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/11891144/abcccc787ee1bd666840599b162abf2054c153d6.png[/img] Added support to follow subtags/repetitions instructions when exporting animations: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/11891144/915bcad40fea2edf05a9cb6e3d8527489f54b5f5.png[/img] New button to reload palette presets: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/11891144/380aaf0335572d09e8d6c640f1aa3eb8fb1bdd9f.png[/img] [h2]Translations[/h2] New official translations included thanks to the help of several [url=]contributors[/url]: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/11891144/32a81eacdc36ba333cf72474378a8300d396aa4b.png[/img] This is (and will be) a work-in-progress in [url=]Weblate[/url]. Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated!