April 1st Patch

Acolyte of the Altar

Hunt through the wastelands for colossal Beasts in this roguelike deckbuilder. Beware! Beasts grow stronger during battle, allowing them to consume your creatures or counter your spells. Carve profane Gifts from these behemoths and grow stronger to serve your Patron! But serve them to what end?

Ravagers have been struggling to rip and tear across the wastelands compared to their feathered Empiricist rivals, who have been hiding behind Borrowed Life in relative safety. This patch reduces the simplicity of forming such protective nests, as well as provides some early survivability to key Ravager units, including the pivotal Vent Crawler passive. You'll also find some clarity and function updates to Infest which are an intended buff to the Sylvans, to make that archetype more self-sufficient. Keeper's Rite's have been increased in difficulty, as some players found the hardest challenges available still not a match for their card-flinging prowess. There are some bonus changes too, so read the full notes below if you'd like to be spoiled! [b]Reworks:[/b] Infest clarity rework. All cards with Infest can now give a +2 cost Metamorphose. [b]Card Buffs:[/b] Impling: 3/1 => 3/2 Vein Drainer: Life cost to summon 2 => 1 Death March: Now also draws a card to give you more fuel to play out! [b]Card Nerfs:[/b] Chanting Cultist: 1 Borrowed Life, +1 if you have another Cultist => +1 Borrowed Life flat. Leviathan: 4 mana => 5 mana Valdrada: 9/9 => 6/6 [b]Faction Buffs:[/b] Ravager Vent Crawler: 1/1 => 2/2 Empiricist Healing: 3 per combat => 2 per combat [b]Keeper's Rites:[/b] Most of the rites have been made significantly more punishing. Face an even greater challenge! [b]Major Bug Fixes:[/b] Fixes a bug with Fearless, Skyscraper Sword and temporary buffs causing bouncing/unusual attack values. Fixes odd behavior when trying to Double-Cast Swallow on a 1 hp unit.