It is the year 2048. Tokyo Police Department’s notorious 9th Mobile Unit, “The Scramble Vice” is ready to fight high-tech robot crime! Clad in an armed exoskeleton suit, police officer Sakuragi Kei of the 9th unit stands to fight robot crimes within Neo Tokyo! Are you ready to scramble up Tokyo?
There's one thing we've been particular about in the animation for Scramble Vice, and that's to make the characters look and move as if their 3D. Lately, there's a popular tactic using rotation, shrink and expand functions to create layers for 2D animations, but we've made a point not to use those methods as much as possible and create animation patterns instead.
We haven't been drawing the characters straight from the front, or directly from the side. By drawing how they run and walk with their 3D dimensions in mind, they have a more solid presence. Having designated artwork of the characters standing with their legs slightly apart and their feet firmly planted to the ground give a better effect of their weight.
Although it's a robot game, it was also important to make their movements not too stiff… To express their hydraulics for their punches, jumps and landing, we're using more frames than usual. (We do need to keep operability in mind, so the balance is difficult.)
Also, pursuing their three-dimensional movements inevitably leads to having the characters pose stylishly in each frame. One of my favorites is using the roller dash; the crouch, the spike hammered into the ground and swivel like a compass is just so cool.
I could talk about this all day. The enemy robots have their own signature movements and poses to express their character. For example, I think we did great with the builder-bot; it looks a little janky in action. Again, keeping their 3D movement in mind has been crucial in bringing out each robot's uniqueness.
Progress is going smoothly for the pixel art for the objects. We have a few robots and characters that are important on which we will start. My ambition is to have players of the game think, "Wow, those robots were awesome, what a cool game." We're working on it.
"See you, Scramble Vice!!"