Alpha Hotfix #084

Night of the Dead

'Night of the Dead' is an open-world game that combines elements of exploration, tower defense, survival, and crafting. Traverse a world dominated by zombies while collecting various resources and powerful equipment. Build a fortress to survive the hordes of zombies that swarm every night!

[h3][b]Ver.[/b][/h3] If you encounter problems such as game crashes after the update, please check our general solutions first. [h3][b][Bug Fixed][/b][/h3] - Fixed that when a client (guest) get off a vehicle, the vehicle would revert back to where the player first boarded. If the above does not resolve the problem, or if you encounter any problems, please let us know via email at the bottom of the announcement. Please send a crash report with specifics if a crash occurs. If you have any problems, please send an email with the form below. [Game Version] [Bug] [How to Replicate] [Single/Multi?] [Host/Guest?] [Screenshot/Video if possible] Email : If you send the save file too, it will be very helpful for verification. The save files are in “%LocalAppData%\LF\Saved\SaveGames”.