Alpha Hotfix #082

Night of the Dead

'Night of the Dead' is an open-world game that combines elements of exploration, tower defense, survival, and crafting. Traverse a world dominated by zombies while collecting various resources and powerful equipment. Build a fortress to survive the hordes of zombies that swarm every night!

[h3][b]Ver.[/b][/h3] If you encounter problems such as game crashes after the update, please check our general solutions first. [h3][b][Save System][/b][/h3] - Fixed that some data could be lost when saving a game. (This is commonly known as the issue of seeing an X mark on the equipment icon). If the issue has already occurred, you will not be able to recover your data. If the above does not resolve the problem, or if you encounter any problems, please let us know via email at the bottom of the announcement. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. [h3][b][Controller][/b][/h3] - UI Cursor Sensitivity changed to Controller Sensitivity. - Added new contorl settings for controllers to recommend initializing control settings. - Added the feature to manipulate the build menu to the controller. [h3][b][Follower][/b][/h3] - Changed to allow followers to perform attacks in place when they are stuck. - Changed so that followers are no longer targeted by wave zombies when they are halted. A halted follower can still be targeted if it hits a wave zombie or if the zombie recognizes the follower. - Changed follower behavior when waving at night. Prioritizes attacking the closest enemies. Engages as close to the player as possible. - Reduced the frequency of some of the follower's monologues. - The follower's movement ability has been improved. - Changes have been made to prevent followers from sticking too close to players. - Changed followers to dismount if they die while mounted on a vehicle. - Changed to prevent followers from moving too close to bonfires. - Changed: When a player is respawned, the follower will now move to the player's side, even if they are halted. - Added an escape button to move selected followers to the side of the character when something goes wrong with the follower. [h3][b][Vehicle][/b][/h3] - The problem of vehicles flying away has been alleviated. - We've made some changes to the way vehicles are built on top of each other to address the issue of vehicles flying into the air or falling through the ground. As a result, some previously possible build methods may no longer be possible. If you're having trouble with an already built vehicle and can't operate it, try demolishing the buildings on top of it one by one. - We've changed the notification message that appears when players are unable to build on a vehicle. If the above does not resolve the problem, or if you encounter any problems, please let us know via email at the bottom of the announcement. [h3][b][Parry][/b][/h3] - Parry has changed. Parry is now unconditional instead of probabilistic. Parry can be triggered by blocking an attack for a short period of time after assuming a shield blocking stance. - Parry stamina cost increased. - Parry no longer costs Guard Points. - Shield blocking no longer takes damage if all guard points are expended. - Options have changed in the list below (Parry Rate -> Parry Stamina Usage) Trait, Research, Shield Fix Option, Shield Random Option - Option removed from the list below (Parry Rate) Shield Upgrade - For followers, parrying is performed in the same way as before. The parry rate is 25%. [h3][b][Balancing][/b][/h3] - Decreased total experience requirements up to level 10. - Mushrooms have increased in calories. [h3][b][UX/UI][/b][/h3] - Added a feature to show quest markers on zombies (Sub Quest, Survivor Quest). The feature to show quest markers can be enable / disable in the 'Settings - Gameplay - Quest Marker' option. - Challenge difficulty has been removed from the game difficulties. Games that were already on Challenge difficulty will remain so. - Added warning message when selecting higher difficulties. (Survival, Legend) - Added warning expression to the Sandbox UI to indicate that an achievement is unobtainable. - Added hotkeys to the Fishing Success UI and Revival on Death UI. - Changed the respawn UI to show directly after death. - Removed the button to favorite of build materials in the build menu. - Added tips for each category of game settings. - Changed the order of the Game Settings options. - Removed the UI scale option from the Game Settings section. - The "Main Quest" option in "Settings - Gameplay - User Interface" has been changed to "Favorites". - Added option to invert mouse while driving. [h3][b][Sound][/b][/h3] - Increased the size of wave music. [h3][b][Graphics][/b][/h3] - Added Injury Visualization. Injuries are now visualized when zombies and animals are hit. Injuries can be enable / disable in the 'Settings - Gameplay - Injury Visualization' option. - Added trail effect to projectiles. [h3][b][Items][/b][/h3] - Added new items that can be crafted at a bonfire. Grilled Red Mushrooms, Grilled Brown Mushrooms [h3][b][Localization][/b][/h3] - Fixed incorrect translations in journal. (French, Portuguese-Brazilian) [h3][b][Miscellaneous][/b][/h3] - Changed the difficulty level at which the No Equipment Drop on Death option is disabled. Hard and above difficulty -> Legendary difficulty [h3][b][Bug Fixed][/b][/h3] - Fixed that the Torture Knife would disappear. If your game was saved while it was already gone, it will not be recovered. If you need to recover it, please let us know via email at the bottom of the announcement with a save file attached. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. - Fixed that prevented followers from looting synthetic objects consecutively. - Fixed that not being able to rename a follower on the client (guest). - Fixed that follower's stats could not be increased on the client (guest). - Fixed that followers would stand up when riding a bike on the client (guest). - Fixed that players could receive the Chemical Gas debuff outside of mines. - Fixed that not being able to interact with the Survivor NPC in the Snowfield Area. - Fixed that kicking in front of a door in the Survivor Shelter would cause the door to open. - Fixed that Crawler Zombies would move in mid-air. - Fixed that albino zombies would not spawn correctly. - Fixed that the blocking shield animation would not play in first-person mode. - Fixed that players would have reduced health when loading the game if their satiety was decreased. - Fixed that could not be entered in the Central Grassland Area. - Fixed that zombies would play a spinning in place animation when a character was died. - Fixed that supplies from air drops would fly away when colliding with projectiles. - Fixed that explosives in dungeons could sometimes not be destroyed. - Fixed that bookmarks would not register correctly during quests. - Fixed that animation was broken when riding a bicycle generator. - Fixed some crashes. Please send a crash report with specifics if a crash occurs. If you have any problems, please send an email with the form below. [Game Version] [Bug] [How to Replicate] [Single/Multi?] [Host/Guest?] [Screenshot/Video if possible] Email : If you send the save file too, it will be very helpful for verification. The save files are in “%LocalAppData%\LF\Saved\SaveGames”.