Alpha Hotfix #081

Night of the Dead

'Night of the Dead' is an open-world game that combines elements of exploration, tower defense, survival, and crafting. Traverse a world dominated by zombies while collecting various resources and powerful equipment. Build a fortress to survive the hordes of zombies that swarm every night!

[b] [Ver.] - Fixed that invisible collision objects in dungeons in the Snowfield area.[/b] [h3][b]Ver.[/b][/h3] If you encounter problems such as game crashes after the update, please check our general solutions first. [h3][b][Zombie][/b][/h3] - Unique zombies have been changed to be impossible to groggy during certain actions. - The HP of unique zombies can now be adjusted by changing in the difficulty change. Unique Zombie HP - The overall number of zombies outside the building has been reduced. - Zombies have been changed to spawn mainly near buildings. [h3][b][Building][/b][/h3] - The build category has been renamed. Module -> Building, Workbench -> Production - The build category for some buildings has changed. Stairs, Triangular Stairs, L-shaped Stairs, L-shaped Stairs Reverse, Bridge Material Production Workbench, Crafting Workbench, Electronics Workbench, Crusher Research Table Battery, Battery Eliminator Circuit, Wall Extension Socket, Floor Extension Socket Punch Machine, Trap Controller, Drone Station, Seed Incubator, Coin Minting Machine Small Animal Trap, Mid-size Animal Trap, Bird House Jet Ski, Armored Boat [h3][b][UX/UI][/b][/h3] - Items that cannot be interacted with in the inventory have been changed to not be highlighted. - When using an item that recovery HP in the inventory, a green highlight has been changed to appear. - Coil skill UI has been modified. - Build menu UI has been modified. - If the handmade shortcut key (H) is inputed while the inventory is open, the inventory has been changed to switch to the handmade instead of closing. The reverse was also changed as well. - Fade in and out has been applied when switching most UIs. - Font size has been increased in some UI. HUD, Dialog, Research [h3][b][Sound][/b][/h3] - The volume of some female zombies has been reduced. [h3][b][Animation][/b][/h3] - The running animation has been changed when the player character has some firearm equipped. [h3][b][Localization][/b][/h3] - Some Russian translations have been changed. [h3][b][Bug Fixed][/b][/h3] - Fixed that changes to body customizations being applied twice when a character performs an attack. - Fixed that interactions could not be performed when a debuff was applied that dealt some damage. - Fixed that some objects floating in the air in Desert area. - Fixed an issue where Abomination's corpse would tear apart. - Fixed that was possible to build in quest zone in the Theater. - Fixed that only the player's inventory would be displayed when changing the category in the trunk of a vehicle. - Fixed that research objectives of Crafting Quest #26 Q1 and Q2 were reversed. - Fixed that the Mutated Nora Mutare's groggy animation would be short. - Fixed that invisible collision objects inside some houses in the Central Grassland area. - Fixed that discarding items from inventory working in Half even if One button is toggled. - Fixed that some UIs being restored when opening and closing certain UIs after hiding UI (U). - Fixed that coils not displaying their reforge values when Disassemble. - Fixed that a player's box inside a dungeon would not be moved to the doorway when the dungeon completed that in the Snowfield area. - Fixed that customization would break when switching between Inventory and Skin categories. - Fixed that toggled buttons would not change background color in some UIs. Please send a crash report with specifics if a crash occurs. If you have any problems, please send an email with the form below. [Game Version] [Bug] [How to Replicate] [Single/Multi?] [Host/Guest?] [Screenshot/Video if possible] Email : If you send the save file too, it will be very helpful for verification. The save files are in “%LocalAppData%\LF\Saved\SaveGames”.