Alpha Hotfix #083

Night of the Dead

'Night of the Dead' is an open-world game that combines elements of exploration, tower defense, survival, and crafting. Traverse a world dominated by zombies while collecting various resources and powerful equipment. Build a fortress to survive the hordes of zombies that swarm every night!

[h3][b]Ver.[/b][/h3] If you encounter problems such as game crashes after the update, please check our general solutions first. [h3][b][Controller][/b][/h3] - Added a feature to show a key guide in the Inventory UI. - Removed the button to split an item in half or one in the inventory when using a controller. - Enabled scrolling in some UIs. Crafting, Research - Added button controls in some UIs. Game Menu [h3][b][Follower][/b][/h3] - Changed followers to open their mouths when performing monologues. [h3][b][Animation][/b][/h3] - Fixed Javelin animation. - Fixed fishing animation. - Fixed sitting and moving animation while aiming the bow. [h3][b][Graphics][/b][/h3] - Added trail effect to zombie melee attacks. [h3][b][UX/UI][/b][/h3] - Changed the top bar to show when the game's screen mode is windowed. [h3][b][Miscellaneous][/b][/h3] - Removed some fences placed near houses. - Added repair kits to the kiosk. - Increased the attack detection of the Woodcutter's Axe and Pickaxe. - Changed the game settings to auto-save when exiting the game due to a change in the game settings. [h3][b][Bug Fixed][/b][/h3] - Fixed that firing a shot would occur immediately after a player falls. - Fixed that unique zombies would not change targets if the current target was dead. - Fixed that client (guest) not being able to cancel a rest interaction. - Fixed that client (guest) was unable to clear player markers on the map. - Fixed that the client (guest) would play a sound twice when hitting a natural object. - Fixed that client (guest) could not see other characters rotate. - Fixed that the Ghost Killer's Lantern skin effect would persist after unequipping equipment. - Fixed that game settings related to wave zombies would change to 0 when disabling No Wave on game difficulty. - Fixed that the Save and Cancel buttons would appear to be enabled when changing controller settings. - Fixed that skipping a sequence would work if the space bar input was held before entering the sequence. - Fixed that caused keyboard or mouse input to be retained in some situations. - Fixed some crashes. Please send a crash report with specifics if a crash occurs. If you have any problems, please send an email with the form below. [Game Version] [Bug] [How to Replicate] [Single/Multi?] [Host/Guest?] [Screenshot/Video if possible] Email : If you send the save file too, it will be very helpful for verification. The save files are in “%LocalAppData%\LF\Saved\SaveGames”.