Alpha 2.3.2

Sword With Sauce

Select your weapon, your gadgets and then your play style as you enter ready to take down all the enemies patrolling the level. You can either go in guns blazing, with a mad desire to re-colour the walls red or take a more delicate approach as you sneak your way around the level avoiding detection.

[h1]Custom Level Editor Grouping and Steam Workshop item protections.[/h1] Fixed Steam workshop Update function, new grouping mechanics, flight controls for the editor and Protection for workshop content creators by tracking the original creator and preventing copy-cats. [b]----------Protecting Workshop Content--------- [/b] All Workshop Items uploaded/Updated before this updated are currently un-protected and can be copied. To fix this simply update your workshop item with in the game. This can be as easy as downloading your item from the workshop then creating a copy and then Updating the item. [u][b]Updated Steam Workshop Item Protection[/b][/u] Workshop items will now track the original content creators and prevent anyone from uploading copied items. That means in order to upload an item to the workshop it must have been created by you. If you have downloaded someone elses item through the workshop and then created a copy you will not be able to upload it no matter how much you have edited it. [u][b] Custom Level Grouping! [/b][/u] In the custom level editor the player will now be able to Shift select multiple Items and Ctrl Select to de-select them. While you have multiple items selected you can Group or un-group them using the buttons on screen or the a hotkey (Default= "G"), to un-group with the hotkey just hold down shift. While holding multiple items a new window will appear called the Oultiner which will show you all the items you have selected as well as all the groups they belong to. You can also select items from the Outliner. [u][b]New Editor Flight and menu Interaction[/b][/u] Along with the new multiple selecting and editing functionality comes an easier way to move the editor around while keeping items selected. Holding down the right mouse button will give the player control to move the editor WHILE keeping the menus open and items selected. To hide the editor menus simply press the right mouse button without holding it down. [b]Minor Changes:[/b] - "Custom Games" option from the forge has been re-named to Gamemode Editor. - Selecting Custom Gamemodes with restricted loadouts will remove loadout visibility - Fixed update steam workshop item bug fix - Name change "Run" Changed To "Sprint" - AI pathing sometimes not working in custom levels bug fixed - Loading screen visual for custom levels. - Custom level Default weapon mesh bug fix - Removed scale restrictions. X,Y,Z scaling now separately edited for all basic shapes