Alpha 2.0.0!

Sword With Sauce

Select your weapon, your gadgets and then your play style as you enter ready to take down all the enemies patrolling the level. You can either go in guns blazing, with a mad desire to re-colour the walls red or take a more delicate approach as you sneak your way around the level avoiding detection.

A whole new menu layout, Revised settings options and Steam workshop! The biggest and most apparent change to 2.0.0 will be the menu layout and options menu. The new layout allows for a whole new system in place that now offers multiple game modes and loadouts to be created and shared, as well as room to grow for multiplayer and custom maps. The settings menu has been completely re-designed to offer even more settings including windowed modes and V-sync. [u][h1]Major changes[/h1][/u] - Menu layout is now much more compatible with most common monitor sizes. - New settings options added as well as the ability to change them in game - Multiplayer loadouts with custom naming - Multiplayer Game modes with custom naming - Steam workshop available through the game client. [b][u]Settings Updates[/u][/b] The way the game handles settings has been completely changed to now be much more reliable and offer even more options as well as adding the ability to change them in game. - Settings menu now available through pause screen - Added extra audio channel that effects the interface sound - Better Resolution options - Added Windowed and windowed full screen (Border-less) option - Added gamma and brightness slider - Added V-sync option - Changed sensitivity to effect X and Y axis independently - Changed keybinding to have only 2 available inputs for each - Added Show timer option to settings [b][u]Custom Game modes and steam workshop update[/u][/b] - Added the ability to create multiple custom game modes - New settings for game modes including custom naming - Upload and subscribe to items in the workshop in game [b][u]Minor Changes[/u][/b] renamed crab and throwing stars renamed throwing knife to throwing stars Changed insane mode to not tag last 10 enemies Rifle Accuracy Increased Drone spotting accuracy increased weapon de-spawn time increased Hooking the drone bug fixed Exo-knife bug fix Updated loading screen to show Map and Game mode Difficulties now available for Ninja mode Tutorial Sniper Scope bug fix