
Mirror of Heaven

"Haishan" is a traditional Chinese-style cultivation roguelite game. Set in a world where the revival of spiritual Qi has awakened demons that wreak havoc on the modern world, you traverse ancient realms with the aid of the "Kunlun Mirror," embarking on a journey of cultivation.

1.修复施放【崩碎之势】会卡死的bug 2.修复闪避偶尔会卡死的bug 3.修复重入轮回有时候会失败的bug 4.修复造成伤害有时候会消失的bug 5.修复残魄获取量异常的bug 6.修复【剑贯长河】伤害丢失的bug 7.修复【剑心通灵】能量恢复有时候会消失的bug 8.修复施放【极光穿云枪】会导致小怪丢失目标的bug 9.调整【鲜血大道】伤害 10.新增仙道招式【血浪滔天】——水之大道,鲜血大道 11.新增地阶招式【森林之灵】——木之大道,意念大道,灵魂大道 12.新增人阶招式【风华剑舞】——风之大道,剑之大道 13.【木之大道】所有效果增强,并且伤害能力大幅提高 14.【花开剑来】每次施放时能够恢复自身3%的生命值